Everyone in Broward counts, so everyone should be counted.
Fundholders at the Community Foundation of Broward are supporting the push to make sure that our community’s hard-to-count populations aren’t missed during the 2020 U.S. census.
Our nation’s once-a-decade population count not only affects Broward’s representation in Washington D.C. and Tallahassee, it also determines how much federal and state money goes to those in need here in the place we call home. An undercount means Broward misses out on its fair share of billions in taxpayer dollars available for health care, education, affordable housing and much more.
Broward’s diverse population includes many who are less likely than others to participate in the census – and yet could most benefit from help to stand on their own two feet. That includes low-income households, seniors over 80, renters, immigrants, college students, minorities, families with children under the age of five and others at risk of getting left out.
To boost outreach to these historically undercounted communities, the Community Foundation has awarded a $10,000 grant to Broward’s Census 2020 Complete Count Committee. This support, made possible by our Fundholders, enables focus group meetings with hard-to-count communities where local leaders can craft strategies to increase census participation.
The Community Foundation’s support for a fair count in Broward is part of our Fundholders’ investment in Economic Independence – one of the 10 Issues That Matter, which we consider vital to Broward’s future. Just as an accurate census is essential to helping hardworking Broward families achieve Economic Independence, it’s also key to ensuring support for education, aging, the environment and all of Broward’s Issues That Matter.
What you can do:
- Click here to find out about attending Broward's Census 2020 community outreach meetings.
- Email Natalie Castellanos at ncastellanos@hfsf.org for more information about Census 2020 efforts in Broward.
- Forward this email, speak out on social media and take other steps to spread the word about participating in the upcoming census.
To learn how you can support Economic Independence and tackle other Issues That Matter, contact Vice President of Philanthropic Services Nancy Thies at nthies@cfbroward.org or 954-761-9503.