The holidays are quickly approaching, at a time when the pandemic makes life even harder for Broward residents who were already struggling.
We're proud to announce that the Tate Family Foundation Fund of the Community Foundation of Broward has stepped up to offer a generous dollar-for-dollar match for four nonprofits that help residents in need.
This is a great way to amplify your giving power at a time when our community needs it the most. You can double your impact with support for the following front-line community programs:

Jewish Adoption & Family Care Options (JAFCO)
Educational supplies for school and college
JAFCO provides care and services to abused, neglected and at-risk children and those with developmental disabilities to ensure they live healthy, independent lives and every child has a place to belong. Current education needs include 10-15 laptops for students to replace outdated ones as well as tuition, book, and room and board support for six students entering college. The Tate Family Foundation Fund will generously match donations of up to $15,000 made to JAFCO.
Your support will help the children and young people JAFCO serves get the supplies they need to be prepared for both school and college.
To learn more about JAFCO, click here.

Harvest Drive
Holiday food drive and gifts for families in need
The mission of Harvest Drive is to promote philanthropy to Broward County Public Schools students through packaging food, clothing and household items for Broward County schools' families in need during the holidays. Harvest Drive works with the advisors at each school to determine which families are in need or struggling. However, they haven't received the food donations they typically do and are having to purchase a majority of the food this year. Your support will provide families with two full bags of non-perishable groceries along with a $25 gift card to Walmart for a complete holiday meal. The Tate Family Foundation Fund will generously match donations of up to $25,000 made to Harvest Drive.
Your support will sponsor the cost of food, gift cards, groceries as well as provide a selection of new toys for children who would not otherwise receive gifts this holiday season.
To learn more about Harvest Drive, click here.

Memorial Healthcare
Thank hardworking health workers this holiday season
Across Memorial Healthcare, 247 employees earn less than $15 per hour, yet they have been the ones on the front lines during this pandemic. This group includes custodians, cafeteria cooks, transportation staff and other support team members that worked tirelessly and bravely to keep the system up and running. Help lift the spirits of these workers this holiday season. The Tate Family Foundation Fund will generously match donations of up to $20,000 made to Memorial Healthcare.
Your support will help Memorial provide toys, gift cards, gas cards and meals for lower income employees who could use extra help or incentives this holiday season.

Pace Center for Girls Broward
Technology support for learning
Pace Center for Girls provides education, mentoring, counseling and other social services to at-risk girls ages 11-18 who have been removed from school and/or entered the juvenile justice system. Education needs include support for their academic day program to provide virtual and in-class learning for 75 girls, covers costs of software, textbooks, technology and supplies as needed. The Tate Family Foundation Fund will generously match donations of up to $15,000 made to Pace Center for Girls Broward.
Your support will help girls in need obtain the technology support and supplies they need to be successful during this unique school year.
To learn more about Pace Center, click here.
Contact Us Today to Give Your Support
If you'd like to support any of these impactful organizations, please contact Charitable Funds Services Managers Justine Morgan or Amanda Kah.
To contact the Community Foundation of Broward, call 954-761-9503 or email