Frequently Asked Questions
Whether you are a professional advisor, a Community Foundation Fundholder or a nonprofit organization, we’re here to answer your questions about philanthropy through the Community Foundation.
Below you will find answers to our frequently asked questions.
FAQ for Advisors
A. Your client can start their philanthropy immediately with a gift to the Community Foundation or they can plan for future giving through their estate.
- Immediate giving — Clients can start their philanthropy right away by establishing a charitable fund at the Foundation. They name the fund. They also decide how its grants will be directed by creating a fund agreement with the Foundation. They get personalized service from a Charitable Funds Manager who ensures that their fund supports philanthropy that reflects their passions, values and goals. As Fundholders, they are invited to participate in Foundation events that keep them informed about Broward’s big issues and connect them to other local philanthropists.
- Future giving — Clients interested in giving through their estate can create a future giving plan. Your client names the Foundation as a beneficiary in their will, trust, insurance policy or retirement plan. Your client can join our Legacy Society, which is invited to Foundation events that keep them informed about Broward’s big issues and connects them to other local philanthropists. Their charitable fund at the Foundation is created later, when the estate gift is received. Grants from their fund support philanthropy that reflects their passions, values and goals.
A. A charitable fund at the Community Foundation delivers many of the benefits of a private foundation for your client, without the administrative hassles. Your client gets to name their fund and establish a legacy of community support that reflects their values. The Foundation’s experienced staff takes care of the accounting, investments and other administrative duties. The Foundation’s philanthropic experts vet and recommend grant recipients. We monitor their progress to make sure they deliver maximum results. Our community knowledge amplifies the impact of your clients’ charitable dollars.
A. Our community knowledge combined with our philanthropic expertise and personalized service are benefits your client won’t find with a commercial donor-advised fund. We offer unmatched local insight into Broward’s big challenges and a more than 30-year track record of leadership that delivers solutions. Our outstanding fiduciary services and commitment to growing Broward’s endowment ensure that your client’s philanthropic impact continues forever. As a Community Foundation Fundholder, your client is invited to participate in Foundation events that keep them informed about Broward’s big issues and also connect them to other local philanthropists.
A. As a public charity, the Community Foundation can offer your client larger tax deductions than a private foundation. Giving to a charitable fund at the Community Foundation enables your client to qualify for the maximum adjusted gross income tax deduction limit, based on the type of and fair market value of their contributed assets. Also, charitable funds at the Foundation are not subject to the excise taxes that private foundations face.
A. The Community Foundation’s growing endowment — sustained by prudent investment — ensures that we will be here forever to provide resources to tackle Broward’s ever-changing needs. When your client partners with the Foundation to establish an endowed charitable fund, they ensure a legacy of always being there to support the community they love. Grants from your client’s endowed fund will be a sustainable source of support for charitable causes and efforts that reflect their values, passions and goals. While there are many worthwhile charitable groups focused on different community challenges, the Foundation is the one that provides both the leadership and sustainable resources necessary to tackle Broward’s big issues today and forever.
A. Professional advisors remain connected to their client and, through a collaboration with the Community Foundation, gain an expert partner in philanthropy planning. We work together to create giving strategies that best suit your client’s charitable and financial goals. You are welcome at all meetings we have with your client and when you can’t be there, we follow up to keep you in the loop. By helping your client accomplish their philanthropy goals, you enhance your value as their trusted advisor.
As an added benefit, professional advisors who collaborate with us are invited to join our Professional Advisors Council. This elite group of professionals gives us guidance about how to best serve their clients. Council members can earn Continuing Legal Education credits through programs at breakfasts and luncheons hosted by the Foundation. They are also invited to join their clients at Foundation events that help inform and connect Broward’s community of philanthropists.
A. There are many sources of giving available for local philanthropists. Cash, publicly traded securities, retirement plans, life insurance, real estate, stocks, closely held business interests and estate gifts are all potential ways for your clients to create a charitable fund at the Community Foundation. Also, personal property — from jewelry to art and collectables — can be used to seed a client’s legacy of giving. Our philanthropic experts will work with you to ensure those gifts, in whatever form they come, deliver maximum community impact.
A. The Foundation assigns a Charitable Funds Manager who becomes your client’s personal philanthropy concierge. We thoroughly vet the organizations that receive grants from your client’s fund and make sure grantees deliver the results they promise. Your client receives annual financial reports explaining the fund balance, types of grants disbursed as well as the latest gifts to the fund. Your client also has 24/7 access to information about their fund, through our online donor portal. In addition, your client receives Foundation publications, such as the Community Matters magazine and e-newsletter, and is invited to informative Foundation events, including the “Food for Thought” gatherings. Your client can also attend guided site visits to see the people and places helped by their grants.
A. Our more than 30-year track record of delivering outstanding fiduciary services is a key reason that people can trust the Community Foundation to manage and grow their financial gifts. The Foundation’s experienced financial staff is assisted by a nationally acclaimed investment consultant who provides research, makes recommendations and monitors the performance of investment managers. The Foundation’s broadly diversified portfolio helps protect our long-term investments. Investment decisions are guided by an independent investment committee, made up of highly experienced local financial professionals. An audit committee reviews the Foundation’s finances, accounting and legal compliance as well as the results of the Foundation’s annual outside audit.
A. Professional advisors can continue to manage their client’s assets through an investment agreement with the Community Foundation. Through these agreements, the advisor becomes an investment manager for the Foundation and maintains custody of their client’s assets. Those assets are managed by the advisor in a separate account, which is subject to the Foundation’s oversight and must follow the Foundation’s investment policies. Clients who qualify for these types of agreements commit at least $1 million to an endowed charitable fund at the Foundation.
A. A charitable gift annuity is a great option for accomplishing both financial and philanthropic goals. An annuity allows your client to make an immediate gift to the Community Foundation and also receive fixed payments, based on their life expectancy, to increase their spendable income. Those payments to your client continue throughout their lifetime and what remains afterward goes to a charitable fund at the Foundation. Through the charitable gift annuity, your client gets a stable source of income as well as the satisfaction of knowing that their giving will shape a better future for Broward.