The Community Foundation of Broward’s Board of Directors recently gathered – some in-person and others virtually – for a retreat to tackle a big issue that will create a BOLD impact.
Board members during the retreat provided their input about the Community Foundation’s new strategic plan.
When completed this fall, the updated strategic plan will chart the Foundation’s course of action for the months and years ahead. To create the new strategic plan, the Foundation is incorporating feedback from focus groups made up of our Fundholders, Legacy Society members and staff as well business leaders, nonprofits, community organizations and other Foundation stakeholders.
At the retreat, Board members shared their insights about the challenges and opportunities ahead for the Foundation. They also discussed their goals for how the Foundation can continue to grow and evolve.
The Board retreat – held at the Foundation’s Fort Lauderdale office – was one of our first in-person events since vaccinations have enabled more face-to-face get-togethers. Whether Board members made a physical return to the Foundation office or signed in via Zoom for the retreat, this hybrid in-person/virtual gathering provided a great opportunity for these distinguished local leaders to stay connected to each other as they help guide the work of the Foundation.
“It’s so rewarding to be part of a Board and community that is engaged in and excited about the work of the Community Foundation,” Vice Chair Juliet Murphy Roulhac said. “Creating a new strategic plan is going to help guide the Foundation to the next level of community leadership and impact.”

Have questions about the Community Foundation of Broward? Email info@cfbroward.org or call 954-761-9503.