As we celebrate the Community Foundation of Broward's 40th year of BOLD impact, we extend a heartfelt “thank you” to all the professional advisors who have collaborated with us through the years to help local philanthropists make a lasting difference.
Serving as a go-to resource for professional advisors with charitably minded clients has been and always will be a top priority for the Community Foundation.
Back in 1984, one of the first things our founders, Libby and Jack Deinhardt, did when they set out to launch Broward’s own community foundation was enlist the support of attorney Frank Brogan.
“They showed up at my law office and said, ‘Hey, can you help? We need an attorney to represent us.’ I said, ‘Sure, I’ve done other nonprofits. How different could this be?’” Frank said. “The next day I found out that there was a difference because Libby dropped off a three-binder treatise on legal and tax issues for community foundations and off we went. I kept that book on my shelf and used it many times.”
At first, spreading the word about Broward’s fledgling Community Foundation was a tough sell to local philanthropists unfamiliar with the concept of creating endowed charitable funds to fuel their giving. But Libby made it her mission to meet with as many local attorneys, accountants and financial planners as possible to build trust and foster understanding. She crisscrossed the county to spread the word about how philanthropists could increase their impact through the power of endowed giving and the community foundation’s ability to pool resources.
“Early on the Foundation tried to partner up with all the professional advisors in town, tried to offer support to them. Tried to be clear as to what the Foundation could do for their clients. And it really paid off,” said Frank – who in addition to serving as the Foundation’s legal counsel also became Board Chair, a Fundholder and referred clients who created their own charitable funds at the Community Foundation.
Today, three quarters of the Community Foundation’s endowed assets – our grantmaking muscle – can be attributed to endowed charitable funds created by philanthropists referred to us by professional advisors. From Mary Porter’s $43 million estate gift – our largest gift ever – to new charitable funds created today, our collaborations with professional advisors make it possible for local philanthropists to create permanent support for transforming lives in Broward.
Membership on our Professional Advisors Council is one of the ways we say “thank you” to advisors who collaborate with us to help their clients launch charitable funds at the Community Foundation. Our PAC members:
- Hear from leading from wealth, tax and estate planning experts at informative Community Foundation breakfasts and luncheons
- Earn continuing education credits through Community Foundation events
- Participate in exclusive networking opportunities
- Receive updates about Community Foundation activities and philanthropic services
- Provide feedback that helps guide philanthropy through the Community Foundation
The PAC, which we launched in 2003 with 19 members, today has grown into an elite group of 90 tax and estate attorneys, accountants and financial advisors who understand the important role philanthropy plays in achieving their clients’ goals – and shaping a brighter future for Broward.
Attorney Christy Lambertus is a longtime PAC member who used to join Libby on visits to spread the word about the new Community Foundation. Christy, who recently announced her retirement, has helped 18 clients establish charitable funds at the Community Foundation – more than any other member of PAC.
“I have seen it from the beginning. I have confidence in it,” said Christy, a former Community Foundation Board Chair. “I know that everyone’s money will be secure and that (my clients) will be happy. … I’m thrilled with everything they are doing.”

Contact the Community Foundation of Broward at info@cfbroward.org or 954-761-9503.