Broward should be a place where people live long, healthy and happy lives. Community conditions can either enhance our health or create barriers to good health.Healthy living should be a natural, easy choice for residents, with opportunities seamlessly integrated into the fabric of the community. Broward’s homes, public buildings, parks, streets, infrastructure and other aspects of our built environment influence our level of physical activity and access to healthy food. Neighborhoods and communities can reinvent themselves to increase physical activity and access to healthy food to improve the health of residents.
A successful project will present creative approaches for adults to be active and make healthy choices that impact the two main contributors of chronic disease: physical inactivity and poor diet. Your project must include one or both of the following:
1. Structured physical activity that is easily accessible to residents and takes place over an eight-month or longer time period. What assets or elements exist or need to exist within a neighborhood or community to encourage physical activity? Are there new opportunities to make physical activity prominent? Think about fun and engaging ways to inspire residents to participate and make a commitment to improve their health long-term. For example:
2. Promote healthy eating habits that will inspire residents to take charge of their health. How can your project encourage residents to make healthy food choices? What doesn’t exist that needs to exist so that residents access healthy food. For example:
The examples listed for each strategy are not the prescribed solutions and are provided to get your creative juices flowing. Consider strategic partnerships that can help create, implement and sustain the project over time. We anticipate you will use your expertise to be innovative to achieve the outcomes stated below.
Measurable outcomes:
The Community Foundation is creating a new grant application process that aligns with the six leadership and grantmaking focus areas identified in our new strategic plan.
Information about our new grantmaking process will be posted on our website soon.
Nonprofits with 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status to provide services to Broward County. City or county agencies with projects that demonstrate charitable intent in Broward County. Individuals are not eligible to apply. Previous or current grantee organizations must be in good standing with the Foundation and have submitted all required reports and documentation for all prior grants per the grant agreement.
The Foundation will not provide support to organizations which, in their constitution or practice, discriminate against a person or group on the basis of: age, political affiliation, race, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, religious belief, ethnicity, or national origin.