Legacy Society

Joining the Legacy Society is an opportunity to use your estate plan to lock in a legacy of always being there for the community you love.

Legacy Society members shape Broward’s future through their estate gifts to the Community Foundation. These forward-thinkers believe in the power of endowed philanthropy to take on big challenges, champion important causes and change lives for the better.

Through their visionary gift to the Community Foundation, Legacy Society members create endowed charitable funds and enlist a philanthropy partner that ensures their BOLD community impact will last forever.

Total amount of estate gift commitments pledged from our Legacy Society members
"Being thankful is not good enough. I need to give back to the community. By partnering with the Community Foundation, I know my impact will be broad and will touch many people. I love knowing that the Community Foundation will be doing the work for me, and it goes on forever."
-Larry Feuer, Legacy Society member

Our Legacy Society

Thank you for trusting the Community Foundation to be your philanthropy partner!

Jonathan and Adrelia Allen
Suzanne Y. and Edward R. Allen
Tim Allen and Jonathan Allen
Jennifer O'Flannery Anderson and Peter Anderson
Jeannette Archer-Simons and Robert E. Simons
Carla and Giorgio Arra
William W. E. Ash III
Mimi Bauer
Ann M. Bederman
David Behr
Annette H. Beshar
Carolyn Davis and Ned Black
Lisa A. Bonk
Joy and Kyle Branyon
JoAnna Bratt
Richard A. Bray
Rod Breene
Nancy Lynn Brown
Colin Brown
Anita and Ralph M. Byer
Cindy Caird
Melanie M. Camp
Suzanne and John Carlson
Linda B. and R. Michael Carter
Rita Case
Barbara R. Castell
Steven Charlton
Keith and Dot Cobb
David Cohen
Carol Cooper
Joan and Michael Crain
Frank Crawford
Jan C. Crocker
Jan R. and James A. Cummings
Diane and John Dalsimer
Cathy and James Donnelly
Maggie and Jim Dunn
Elizabeth C. Eason
Susanne and Marty Ellman
Doris D. Emmett
Lorraine and Gerry Farmer
Lawrence “Larry” S. Feuer
Ken Fisher
Donna Fisher-Williams
Louis and Janine Flematti
Leo Ramos and Dave Fletcher
Ramona and James Fowler
Marilyn Francis
Trevor Fried
Leslie Gaynor
Diane and Angelo Gencarelli
Jean and Tom Giordano
Elisa R. and Barry H. Goldman
Mitchell E. Grant
Barbara T. Gray
Wilson B. and Susan Greaton
Barbara Grevior
Richard Grillo
Madelaine and Steven J. Halmos
Terry Hammond
Frank and Roberta Helsom
Ronald Herron
William Victor Higdon
Clark Hogsett
Lane and Karl Hop
Jane N. Huston
Paige and Steve Hyatt
Gregory Izak and Thomas William Meyer Jr.
Lesley Mitchell Jones
Ed Hashek and John Jors
Emerson W. Kanode
Ken Kappner
Cindy and Laurence M. Kashdin
Michael Kelly and Scott Colton
Brigitte Kimmich
Tundra M. King
Victoria C. Kirby
Donald G. and Joan F. Kohl
Dale and Mark Kotler
Walter W. Krueger
David B. Kyner
Lynn and James B. LaBate
Marcy Lambert
Christine L. and Arthur W. Lambertus
Gerald L. Laskey
Ida and Raymond H. Leightman
Robert Lichtenstein
Beth E. Linzner
Gabriele E. Magdanz
MP and James Malone
Todd H. Manning
Patricia Martinez
Virginia M. McCormick
Alex McCroson and Shawn Powell
James D. McKenzie
Jo Ann K. and Donald B. Medalie
Greg Medalie
Virginia I. and Thomas J. Miller
Daryl G. Miller
Albert and Beatriz Miniaci
Eugene C. Smith and David A. Moon
Gregory D. Unwin Moore
Jan Moran
Carolyn Morgan
Sandra Muvdi
Jacqueline Niehaus
Susan Nolan Palmer
Sarah and Scott Parker
Arlene Pecora
Mona Pittenger
Ingrid and Brian Poulin
David E. Ratcliffe
Nancy and Dave Reierson
Sally J. Robbins
Kathy A. and Larry W. Robinson
Amanda and Noah Rosenfarb
Charles L. Ross
John D. Ryan
Heidi Schaeffer
John F. Scheer
Franklin R. Schmidt
Steve and Carole Scott
Grace Dudleck Shepherd
Donald Shewmaker
Randolph J. Shine
Patricia A. Shub
Andrew and Lynn Siebert
Leslie Siegel
Fred G. Smith
Hilda Sokolowski
William C. Spencer
Kathleen Stapleton
J.R. Steele
Patricia A. Stover
John and Lisa Strader
Sandy and J. Kenneth Tate
Nancy and Bill Thies
Steven Jay Thor
Marjorie Turetzky
Melba Urbanek
Paula Valentine
Elaine Vasquez
Rita Verbin and Joel Benjamin
Charles L. Verner
Dr. Johannes Vieweg and LaDonna Calton Vieweg
Jeff Wade
David Lee Webb
Burnadette Norris-Weeks and Aaron Weeks
Kurt Zimmerman
Anonymous (33)

Join the Legacy Society

Let’s talk about how you can create an enduring legacy of support for your community by joining the Legacy Society. Contact Kelly Marmol, Vice President of Philanthropic Service, at kmarmol@cfbroward.org or 954-761-9503.

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